Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Restorative ^^

1st day of real work in 2012 did started off GOOOOD!
tho we gotto stay back till 5.45pm to finish-up the patients, at least i'm doing something that i like - RESTORATVIE!
Today- 2nd day of my new posting was eventful.
A PFM crown preparation on 26, a new case - a patient who claims that her husband was a dentist (in my mind i was thinking 'damn it.. a patient with high expectations!'), and a re-endo treatment on 14 - 2 canals!
Firstly, i've never prep a tooth since graduated in 2010. Took me more than 30 minutes to complete that prep i guess, that doesn't include temporary crown, impressions, bla bla bla...
Secondly, I've never done a re-RCT case before. God knows how difficult it is to find and clean those canals that were filled with GPs in a tiny hole (access cavity).
It's been a challenging day but glad that i've learnt a lot. =)

Our aim for now is to punch out on time everyday!!!!!


Here's my new favourite song to start the year of 2012 * ^^ *

*Many many congratulations to dear Ai Ling who's getting married this Friday,
and to Farah who just got engaged! xoxoxo

1 comment:

y said...

thank you doctor,
take care ya
