Saturday, 30 April 2011

It feels so good to be back at home
back to my comfortness
and the luxury of having faster internet connections!
yeh hoooo!!!

youtube, wongfu's, my baby speakers, my summer dresses, my (My sister's) bed, the garden ....
arrhhh.. i miss them all..

happy to see my family too!! Aunty Alice's family is back and my sis is at home too
hheheh.. i like the noise

been lazying in bed for the whole morning n i'm planning to stay like that till dinner time.
We even made Domino's deliver our lunch as we cant be bothered to drive out.

gunna spend a nice relaxing holiday at home before stressing about my soon coming talk (in MALAY  >.< ) next week!


Thursday, 21 April 2011

Record breaking Day ^^

yehhooooo!! seen 30 odd patients today!

When's the next new record? hehhe

n the root is out too!! Thanks to Dr Jaya's help and Poaem's bayonette =D .. pheeeeew!

i don't fancy carious roots and they don't like me too.. fair enough.. They're properly training my patience...

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Lesson learnt:

DO NOT attempt XLa in school settings unless the tooth is mobile! REFER!

A root to sort tmr >.<

Monday, 11 April 2011

1st day in the real dental world ^^

3rd day of work - 1st day of treating as a real dentist!!! yehh hoooo!!

been observing my fellow colleagues for the past 2 days and it was a real eye opener.
15-30 mins per patient,
less than a minute extraction
patient in patient out
minimal infection control
no eye protection
limited instruments and material of choice
etc etc....

That's how the Malaysian dentists work in the government settings.


It's my first day in action...
4 extractions - 2 patients ended up tearing
a number of fillings
a number of checkups for pregnant mothers
a large gingival granuloma due to recurrent infections --> referral
and a scaling
saved a tooth fr being extracted!! ^^

Quite productive =D

but it's still not fast enough
more trainings to come

finally get to put my 5 years of studies into use
however, our beloved Dr Hopwood will be fainting

* Where Are All Your Urgonomics?!!!!!! *

teee heee!

my neck n shoulders are aching towards the end of the day due to the broken chair
and my arm is aching from the extractions
n my head is throbbing
it's time to work out

sooooooooooooo unfit!    =p

p/s: guess my colleagues, nurses and my patients are going to hammer some BM into me soon!

Monday, 4 April 2011

2 days to go...

it has been a while since i had a good laugh

have never been really happy since i found out about my new job

It's worse with the stresses from a phone that i've just recently bought and now i'm returning it to the shop. Mum called and say that the shop has finally agreed to refund. 

A friend called and dragged me out for an unhealthy dinner which i've been craving for and a comedy afterwords (Just Go With It) -- that's exactly what i needed..

Had fun playing with his tiny hamster too! snowie / whitie... watever he named it... it's cute! =D
At least my mind was free from thinking about johor, the town, my work, my sense insecurity and the 'unknowns' that i might b facing.... I've been trying to prepare myself for the worst but doesn't make myself feel any better with the negative thoughts..

The night went even better when i got home, checked my FB and heard a good news from Lynette! She managed to find me a place to stay in K.T. and it's potentially a decent one as it belongs to her uncle. pheeeeeeeeeew........ I felt more secure now... =D Couldn't have thank her enough for saving me from emo-ing and nightmares..

a fabulous day i had...
I'm really lucky and grateful to have great friends around ^^