Thursday 24 June 2010

I'm Back!

I'm back...
from running away again
to a big big wonderland...

Everything felt like a dream.
A nightmare of crashing my hope and failing everyone else's expectations...
I fell... a hard one this time....
Never in my life did i cried so much in front of my friends.
Thank God that these buddies are around, keeping me accompanied almost 120hrs, holding my senses together.
I would have fall into a serious depression ...

Oh well...
Lets talk about the something more exciting.

We're back from Coratia!

It was an adventure.
A trip that allowed us to experience all sorts of natural phenomena, from burning sun to a thunder storm and hailing, witness the sea tornadoes, lightning, and a perfect rainbow that stretches  from the ground to ground..

6 of us were so close to being thrown out of our speedboat, into the deep blue Adriatic Sea as a huge wave hit our craft when we were on our way back from the Devil's Islands! Our boat nearly capsized and only one of us on board were wearing a life jacket. We wouldn't have been able to swim to the shore if the boat did flipped. This is the closest death that I've ever encountered! ( not mentioning being stung by sea urchins...)


Croatia is still a Heaven regardless. It is so beautiful, with untouched pebble beaches and the turquoise sea.
The Plitvice Lakes and the waterfalls were magnificent!

There is nothing more that I can bring back from Croatia other then the precious memories, not forgetting the spikes from the Sea Urchins that are still buried in my toes!!

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