Monday 25 June 2012

Dental Disgust

It has been almost 2 months since i started working in the new clinic.

KPSI is one of the busiest dental clinic in JB. We do not have time to even allocate 1 minute for patients to rinse their mouth after treatments. All what we do is to say: "Cik/Uncle/Aunty/Boy/Gal, go rinse in the toilet." or else i'll just say:"toilet" when we are too short of time to form a full sentence.

Sometimes patients spilled some of their saliva+water+blood on the floor when they tried to talk with a mouth full before rushing to the toilet and i'll have to turn to my DSA and say: "blood on the floor!!" Then, next thing she did was to spray some disinfectants and wipe it away.

Last week there was a patient with some kind of mental disability presented in my clinic for an extraction. The tooth was sitting deep inside the mouth. With his constant tensing lips and uncontrollable tongue, it was difficult to put a grip on that tooth even though it was already mobile.
I managed to extract that badly carious 48, however unfortunately i lost grip on that tooth and it fell down the throat. He cough and immediately i said:" Uncle DO NOT swallow, no swallowing, cough it out!!!" but the next thing i heard "Gulp........"
In my mind i was thinking: Eeeeeewwwwww ... the patient just swallowed the grossly decayed tooth down his throat!!!!!"
I turned to his dad, who was standing next to us, overlooking the whole situation, explained that his son just swallowed the tooth. He smiled to me and say:" Guess it'll come out with his poo rite?"

Today, i was scaling a mouth full of calculus when i saw a silverish piece of metal near the suction tip. I put down my handpiece after the scale and check the teeth, found out one of the amalgam filling has dislodge with underlying secondary caries on that tooth. As usual i ask the patient to rinse in the toilet and come back for the filling next visit. The next thing she did was, stood up from the chair, swallowed the mouth full of water+saliva+amalgam+ blood+ calculus and started asking her questions!!!!

 .... @_@ ....

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