Tuesday, 3 May 2011

03/05/11 stressful day, happy day ^^

one of the most stressful day at work
a long weekend with a Monday holiday turned our dental clinic into a war zone
more than a hundred outpatents to be seen by 2 dentists and plus another one helping out when she is free..

seems like i have been having difficult extractions for the whole day - an UL4 with long curved roots,  a carious partially erupted LL8, a vertically fractured UR7 which snapped when i was extracting with forceps..
grrrrrr.. roots!!
Another senior saved my broken roots
A clever idea of splitting the tooth into half saved my trouble taking an 8 out!
phew... i did learnt

we ran late... again... leaving the clinic at 17:07 is late! (this is the M'sian working culture in the government)

adrenaline rush for 10 hours
thinking about tomorrow's speech
fighting with non-working scalers
pet talking a crying kid who doesn't even want to open her mouth
drilling and filling teeth with massive holes

i'm drained.

however it was one of the best day i had.

My favourite tunes playing at the background kept me going..
A braved little boy behaved real well when i was doing an extraction for him. =) He was happy when i gave him his tooth as a souvenier.. lol
Was talking to my assistant about tomorrow's speech before leaving a clinic. A Paediatric dental nurse overheard our conversation and told us that the speech was cancelled!
Thrilled, I gave my assistant a big hug!

Off to home... Yaaaaaaaaay!!!!!


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