Tuesday 12 October 2010

Wake up! Pls...

Had a long chat with housemates yesterday. A conversation that i probably shall think about it seriously, something that i'll have to learn to accept.

Been told that how scary people can be, how ugly the real world is, how friends can turn around and stab you at your back. It is more devastating to face a betrayal from someone you called a family.

Felt that i've heard these a hundred, thousand times, from parents, aunties and uncles, friends, even a younger sister, however i never learn, not absorbing the fact. Probably i'm just being in denial, living in a bubble that i've created, in the simple and wonderful world that i've always imagined.

Hopelessly naive.

I was rushing towards DH when a women approached and asked for change as she has just lost her bag. She needed some money for food and to catch a train. It was obviously a lie. A lie that I've heard of so many times. However god knows what made my feeling of sympathy dominated my mind. Gave her a 10pd note (coz i've got no change) and thought that was more than enough. Before she left, the lady turned back and asked if i can give her another 5pd more. This time it really did strike me on my head! Ridiculously greedy.. She did have the face to ask! 

Honestly, i don't feel bad. Don't even know what i shall feel...

Angry because i've just been cheated?
Sad because the world is so messed up?
Happy because i was able to 'help'?
Lucky because we've been so protected?

Shall i learn the lesson, be cautious, and be colder?
or shall i hold on to my ignorance, continue living in the little bubble?

My mind went blank. It still is...

Stubborn as usual, i will still choose to trust.
It's more tiring not to.

Good thing or a bad thing?
Don't know either...

Foreseeing this is gunna happen again... 
Just hope that the next Mr Con-Man or Miss Con-Women comes out with a better story, which will then make me feel less stupid being swindled.



Anonymous said...

Is ok ypei.... money is not that important.... next time you gonna be more caution.... : ) forget it... you ll be alright....

Anonymous said...

Addition above : Cheer up girl....

Anonymous said...

3. Last week when i was in Perth. A white girl asked money from me to take bus. My friend told me just ignore it... They are called network security.... is quite common for them.... no need to be so surprise... next time you ll be smart... you got idea..... : )

TEH D3viL said...

ah... not bothered about the money. Not sad either.. =p

Wow didnt know that they formed a syndicate! ok tat's pretty new..

so oblivious.. @.@