Wednesday 8 September 2010

=.= """""

Was shadowing a dentist in Prosthodontic clinic when a nurse budge in and say hi. Both of them were so happy seeing each other again, gave each other a big hug and started talking about their babies, the difficulties of being pregnant, their ultrasound scans, etc..... I just realised that the dentist is pregnant at that moment (after 1 hour of shadowing =S)!

Didn't really know what to say, i went on asking when they are expecting their babies.

A patient who was sitting on the dental chair was listening to the conversations and passing some little comments. Then, he turned to me with a cheeky face and asked:' So........ are you expecting a baby too???"

----- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -----

Was treating a patient yesterday when Dr Campbell came into our surgery, walked to my side, and whispered:" DO U KNOW WHERE AM I FLYING TO TOMORROW??"

I looked at him for a good few seconds, confused. Was trying hard to recall. He must have told me before or else he wouldn't have asked me.

Suddenly it came to my mind.


I jumped and shouted. Trying to suppress my excitement and feeling embarrassed as the patient is still there.

Very pleased, Dr Campbell raised his eyebrow:" Kuala Lumpur..... and Sabah!"

Oh please..... why does he has to remind me?

Spent most of my time today imagining our beloved tutor having his fun time swimming in the sea, enjoying the sunshine with a coconut sitting beside him.



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