Saturday 7 June 2008

Post- Exam Fever

Exams ended on 3rd June and the last paper was OSCE. 30 mins of briefing and waiting in lecture theater B was dreadful. We all went panic when the unthoughtful women told us that the 1st group who went in came out with miserable faces... arrrh! 19 stations to work on, with 6 mins for each station, we dont know what exactly is gunna happen.. Now our real doom has arrived.. hm.. prob not everyone but for me definitely!
The experience was... horriendous? Exciting? Challenging? Fun?
Dunno... cant find a word to describe it. Frankly, i dont even know what to feel after the exam. I dont feel happy nor sad. Neither awfully bad nor good. It was a rush.. Everything was a rush. A lot of time, it is not that i dont know the answer but just that my mind experiences word fatique! I always spurt out something that i DONT wanna say! There's a silent voice constantly telling me: "Idiot u shouldnt hav said that!" "Dude, u've said the wrong thing again!" "arhh, what's the term again?". This is annoying..
On the other hand it was kinda fun as this is our first experience of taking our exams in such a different way. It was like playing games as we have to move around the cubicles, talk to the actors, play with the mannequins..

Anyway, exams are over. It's time to chill a lil.
Thomas took us to Stockport for an English dinner. It was my 1st time having proper English dinner in UK after all these years!!! The food is yummy and it's cheap!

English Cheesecake...
U sure it's a cheesecake???


Was super duper triple happy when Helen pass me this little pressie during my break in London.

----- a sticker that's signed by one of my so-called "IDOL"

WONG FU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cant stop OMG OMG OMG-ing ..

This is tooooo gooood to be real !!!!!!!!!!! Cant beleive that I've got an autograph of Phil Wang!!!!
Thanks Helen a trillion for making one of my dream come true!! Lovvv her soooo much!
Think i shall frame this up & hang it on the wall! =D

Here're some of his productions:

"Yellow Fever"

A Fresh Lunch


*lovin his JOBLESSNESS =p *


It was great meeting up with Danielle, Helen, Gloria, Eric and Ka Wai in London. Before returning to Canary Wharf, KaWai took us around central London. We stopped by Tower Bridge and strolled along River Thames. The night view was spectacular.

A dock sumwhere near Gloria's place: Mudchute

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