Monday, 13 July 2009


Have probably done too much bad recently that i think i do actually need a confession..

Was helping a friend yesterday with the preperation for a surprise party when i carelessly let a whole plate of nicely cut eggs slipped. All her hard work was trashed in less than a sec! I was too traumatised to move and the others have to clear my mess up..
I ran home and cook another new batch of eggs. Another accident happened. An egg manage to 'escape' and broke on the floor... 6 eggs wasted in total-- prob enough to feed a family!

Have been letting my bad habit of uncontrolled spending run wild for almost a year and now i'm in real crisis! Regardlessly, i still bought a top while doin shopping for the others!

Received a text from mum this evening which says:" Your sisters purposely went to cybercafe to check weather you send any greetings. Sad to learn that...."
It was their 21st 2 days ago and yet i havent even called nor leave them a message. No, I didnt forgot. It has always been in my mind. Just dont know why i didnt make the best effort to dail their numbers. Probably it's the wrong timing, probably i dont want to 'disturb' their celebration, probably i'm going home soon and will be able to make up our time... Nonethelessly, I've spent hours hanging out with friends but not a minute to send them a wish! This is the worst that i have done. So sorry.. My Bad.

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